User warning:
Missing proxy class 'Drupal\context\ProxyClass\ContextMenuActiveTrail' for lazy service 'menu.active_trail'.
Use the following command to generate the proxy class:
php core/scripts/generate-proxy-class.php 'Drupal\context\ContextMenuActiveTrail' "modules/contrib/context/src"
in Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ProxyServicesPass->process() (line 66 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/DependencyInjection/Compiler/ProxyServicesPass.php).
Les parents y accèdent pour consulter : - Les emplois du temps, - La vie de l’école et de la classe (agenda, devoirs, cahier de liaison…), - Les messages et les livrets scolaires publiés.